Backcountry Adventures
in the Teton Wilderness
Guided fly fishing, pack trips, elk hunts, & trail rides to truly remote places
Want to get farther from a road than you've ever been? Head into the Teton Wilderness within the Bridger-Teton National Forest on the outskirts of Yellowstone National Park to remote camps we've used for decades.
Get ready to breathe the freshest air you've ever tasted, see the wildest country you've ever seen, & have unique outdoor experiences that keep most Yellowstone Outfitters guided trips booked years in advance.
Trips We Offer
You ought to feel at home in the backcountry. Yellowstone Outfitters knows how to take care of you in the wilderness, and our guides treat you like family. That's why so many of our guests come back year after year to spend more time with our handful of experienced guides who do the same.
These Jackson Hole horseback rides show you an incredible view of the Teton Mountains from the Buffalo Valley.
Experience deep solitude and gorgeous terrain to the soundtrack of clopping hooves.
Choose from a variety of photogenic pack trips near Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Park in the Teton Wilderness.
Bob through the wilderness on horseback past stunning mountain peaks and lush wildflower valleys to your camps.
After rewarding horseback rides, stand knee-deep in the Yellowstone River or other fishing havens wrapped in the silence of the Teton Wilderness.
Take advantage of remote fishing camps used by Yellowstone Outfitters since 1950.
Wyoming Elk
Hunting Pack Trips
Hit the trail for 7-10 days of remote Teton Wilderness hunting
Enjoy the most remote camp in the Continental United States by Hawks Rest on the Yellowstone River. We are just 3 miles from the Yellowstone Park Line.
Ride horses to unbelievable hunting grounds as elk rut and migrate through a favorite corridor from Yellowstone Park to their winter home.
Feel Like Family
Three generations of family-run packtrips
Yellowstone Outfitters was owned by Lynn & Marcene Madsen for nearly 30 years. Now it is owned and operated by their grandson, Brandon Kunz and his wife Kendra Kunz.
You're guaranteed a guide that either grew up taking pack trips to the wilderness or who has done it for decades.
Our small operation doesn't pack as many guests into trips as we can. Instead, we make sure small groups get once-in-a-lifetime experiences with guides who actually care about them.